Business Growth Strategies for Manufacturers

Achieving growth is no simple feat. In our recent live Event on "Business Growth Strategies for Manufacturers," DMG Digital Founder and CEO, Nicole Donnelly interviews Sidney Wormsby, a seasoned business growth and improvement coach from DQS,  Nicole and Sidney discuss what it takes to create lasting change in business. By the end of this blog, you will have a deeper understanding of the following:

  • Change Management: The importance of change management in business success.
  • Teaching Clients to Fish: The  principle of coaching clients through change.
  • Resource Challenges: Resource challenges faced by small businesses and solutions.
  • Leadership in Change Management: The role of leadership in change management and the power of a compelling vision.
  • Sidney's Leadership Framework: Elements of Sidney's leadership framework.
  • The Power of "What Ifs": How to embrace creative brainstorming to ignite passion and drive for change.
  • Embracing Change for Growth: Instilling a culture of innovation and empowerment.
  • Navigating Change with Ownership and Inclusivity: Exploring strategies for fostering ownership, effective communication, tradition, and diversity.

Sidney's Roots and Values

core values, trust, ethics concept. Speech bubble on gray background

Sidney's journey towards becoming a trusted expert in business growth and improvement began with a strong foundation rooted in his upbringing. With a military father and a determined, education-focused mother, Sidney's character and drive were shaped from an early age. He honors his parents by infusing their values into his businesses, and DQS, in particular, embodies these principles.

A Shared Passion for Small Businesses

Nicole Donnelly, our event host, resonates deeply with Sidney's mission. Hailing from a family of small business owners, she understands the unique value that these small businesses bring to communities and the country. Sidney's own family history is steeped in entrepreneurship, with relatives owning construction companies, restaurants, hotels, and more. The allure of creating something unique and running one's venture was a driving force behind his journey.

What sets Sidney apart is his diverse professional experience. He's been an engineer, project manager, marketer, and business developer, navigating the landscapes of both large corporations and small businesses. This wealth of knowledge enables him not only to advise but also to teach his clients, empowering them to become better business owners and leaders. Sidney derives immense joy and fulfillment from this coaching and teaching aspect, making his work consistently exciting and engaging. His journey exemplifies the power of blending corporate wisdom with an entrepreneurial spirit to empower small businesses and nonprofits.

Unlocking the Linchpin of Success: Change Management

cropped shot of a business woman giving a presentation in the boardroom

Change is essential for progress, especially for small business owners and managers. In a constantly evolving world, the ability to adapt and innovate is crucial. However, fostering change, particularly digital transformation, can be challenging. In this blog post, we explore the art of change management and why it is key to success, drawing insights from our seasoned expert, Sidney.

Sidney's unique approach to success combines coaching with hands-on implementation. Unlike traditional consultants who provide solutions and then disappear, Sidney becomes a true partner in the journey. He not only prescribes solutions but also teaches businesses the necessary skills, empowering them to operate independently.

Teaching Clients to Fish

One of Sidney's core principles is teaching clients to fish rather than fishing for them.. He's not a typical consultant who delivers plans and leaves. Instead, he serves as a steadfast companion, guiding clients through the change process step by step.

Overcoming Resource Challenges

Many small businesses lack the resources that their larger counterparts enjoy. It's not just about financial resources; it's also about having the right people, bandwidth, and knowledge base. When proposing a change, it's crucial to acknowledge that without the means to execute it, even the best plans can fall flat.

Independence and Empowerment

Sidney's approach focuses on independence and empowerment, with a profound commitment to seeing businesses succeed on their own. The goal is not to create lifelong clients but to transform them into self-reliant, empowered entities. It's similar to helping someone graduate and take their newfound knowledge and skills into the world.

The Role of Leadership in Change Management

Leadership flow chart with improvised materials

As you explore the complexities of of change management, especially in the context of digital transformation, it's crucial to consider why projects of this magnitude sometimes fall short of their objectives. Reflecting on the challenges faced by organizations that have attempted a digital transformations provides a look into the pivotal role of leadership in driving successful outcomes.

The Power of Leadership with Purpose

One of the primary reasons digital transformation projects fall short of success is a failure in leadership. It's not just about having leaders at the helm; it's about leadership that embodies authenticity, purpose, and a clear "why." The importance of a compelling vision that transcends personal gain and resonates with the greater good is crucial to the success of any business.

Leadership Framework

Leadership framework comprises several essential elements:

  1. Creating a sense of urgency
  2. Articulating the benefits of change to everyone involved
  3. Establishing milestones to measure progress
  4. Selecting a loyal team of lieutenants
  5. Maintaining constant communication
  6. Institutionalizing the change

The Power of "What Ifs"

For leaders who lack a clear "why," offer the power of "what ifs." By engaging in creative brainstorming sessions centered around positive "what if" scenarios, leaders can discover and cultivate their purpose. This approach helps leaders envision the future they desire, igniting the passion and drive needed for successful change.

Embracing Change for Growth

Leadership plays a crucial role in change management, particularly when backed by a clear, compelling vision. Embracing change goes beyond merely following a plan; it involves fostering a culture of innovation and empowerment that drives businesses to new heights.

Navigating Change with Ownership and Inclusivity

Rear view of four women with arms around each other for support

Navigating change within any organization, especially in change management projects, can be a complex and delicate. It's not just about setting a vision from the top down; it's about ensuring that every individual involved feels like an active participant in the transformation. Strategies to foster ownership and inclusivity in the change process can include the following.

The Challenge of Effective Communication

One key challenge in change management projects is not just having a coalition of champions but ensuring that the vision and plan are communicated effectively. Everyone in the organization should feel like they have a stake in the change. What you can do to foster this strategy is to encourage teams to engage in "what if" brainstorming sessions. These sessions help individuals identify areas for improvement and envision a future where their pain points are addressed, making the change more tangible and purposeful.

Respecting Tradition and Experience

Respecting tradition and experience during times of change is essential. Our featured guest, Sidney, shares a personal story from his early days as a manager. In a critical situation, he let his team proceed with their preferred approach, despite having reservations. When the anticipated issues arose, it created a valuable learning experience and reinforced trust and respect within the team.

This story underscores the importance of recognizing core elements of tradition that customers and employees depend on during transformations. By preserving key aspects and involving others in the process, organizations can maintain continuity and provide stability amidst change.

The Power of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is important, not only in terms of demographic factors but also in valuing the diverse experiences and perspectives of team members. There's immense power in recognizing that everyone brings unique expertise to the table. True diversity and inclusion lead to more innovative and successful solutions.

Managing Frustration

Frustration is an inevitable part of change, but there are things that you can do to help reduce frustration.  One way to do that is to explain what people can expect in as much detail as you can.  Imagine experiencing turbulence on an airplane.  When turbulence comes and the pilot does not communicate with passengers to acknowledge the situation and share any information on what they can expect, passengers are more likely to feel anxious and worried.  Whereas when the pilot communicates to passengers to let them know the forecast, it immediately reduces anxiety.  This same analogy can be applied to teams who are undertaking new initiatives.  Creating a project roadmap at the start of the project and being very clear that it is normal and expected to experience frustration and overwhelm along the way, along with excitement can help people prepare for it when it occurs.

“Change is like turbulence during a flight – it's essential to set clear expectations. Just as a pilot's announcement during turbulence eases passengers' minds, we must let our teams know that change might be bumpy. We can't always have the right answers, and things might get frustrating. When change occurs, we can say, 'Remember we talked about this,' and suddenly, we're the ones who prepared. Setting clear expectations about what, how, and why things will change is vital. Additionally, you can minimize uncertainty with frequent communication. Frustration often arises when people feel uninformed, so keep communicating – share what's happening, what's decided, and what's possible, even if it's not exact." - Sidney Wormsby


If you'd like to reach out to Sidney Wormsby through his official website Uirtus Et Decus for further guidance and explore DMG Digital's services for expert support in your digital transformation journey. As you embrace change, empower your team, and foster innovation, you're on the path to achieving remarkable success in your business endeavors.

Did you miss our LinkedIn live event with Sidney Wormsby, founder of Solutions with Results? You can catch the replay here! DMG Digital Founder and CEO, Nicole Donnelly and Sidney Wormsby discuss ‘Business Growth Strategies for Manufacturers,’ discussing proven strategies to drive your manufacturing business forward. Discover how to generate more clients, close sales, and boost revenue.